
Construction work, house, residence, building
Construction of houses, residential buildings, row houses, business establishments who want to have a home have a business establishment Resorts that need accommodation for tourists We provide construction services such as knock-down houses. Pool Villa vacation home Commercial building for renting for room rental business
For real estate entrepreneurs who want to build in large numbers Feel free to contact us to agree and set a plan together with the construction, furnishing and specifying if needed in a short time. We have ready-made houses or knock-down houses ready to be installed. or if the customer wants to design as the customer wants Customers can send designs to us to analyze or build a house. building according to the design immediately
Construction accept
Resort, Pool Villa
Building, Apartment,
Government office
Business establishments, shops, restaurants
Knockdown house
Warehouses of all sizes
Religious Place
With many construction experiences From the construction team, engineer team, home design team Expert and experienced ready to learn together with us Ensuring that all types of construction work we do when delivered Every piece of work is perfect as the customer requested or as desired
Construction materials and various structural works RSP249 has products ready to serve customers. with large stock Delivery service to the site with speed and punctuality because we understand that time is important for construction work. The types of products available are as follows.
Finished mortar, bag mortar, both structural cement, plastering-pouring mortar
Rock, soil, sand, filling work
Steel, section steel, steel bar, sling
Different types of bricks such as clay bricks, block bricks, lightweight concrete blocks, etc.
piles of various sizes ready for installation
precast concrete slabs reinforced concrete floor
wire mesh sieve